Over fifty authors from two dozen countries and from across the full spectrum of sociology tackle the pertinent issues of our time.
Continue ReadingAdloff, Costa, Kerner, Vetter: Conviviality
Conviviality sets a concrete utopia against dystopia—an awareness of the possibility of cooperation.
Continue ReadingFuturesTV: Voices from …
Videographers from Recife (Brazil), San José (Costa Rica), Paris (France), Athens (Greece), and Los Angeles, California (USA) present new videos for the series “The Futures We Want: Voices from …”.
Continue ReadingFuturesTV: Recife
Video on The Futures We Want: Voices from Recife, Brazil
Continue ReadingFuturesTV: Costa Rica
Video on The Futures We Want: Voices fromSan José, Costa Rica
Continue ReadingFutures TV: Greece
Video on The Futures We Want: Voices from Athens, Greece.
Continue ReadingFuturesTV: France
Video on The Futures We Want: Voices from Paris, France
Continue ReadingFuturesTV: Los Angeles
Video on The Futures We Want: Voices from Los Angeles, California
Continue ReadingMichal Palgi: Kibbutz
What is the prospect of the kibbutz? What challenges does this utopian community project face today? How is the movement evolving?
Continue ReadingFuturesTV presents
In the summer of 2015, New Yorkers from diverse walks of life were asked the question: What future do you want? This video presents some of their responses.
Continue ReadingLeslie Sklair: The Icon Project
Icons of global capitalism emerge at the meeting point of power, meaning, aesthetics, and taste. What do they disguise, and reveal?
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