Over fifty authors from two dozen countries and from across the full spectrum of sociology tackle the pertinent issues of our time.
Continue ReadingFuturesTV: Voices from …
Videographers from Recife (Brazil), San José (Costa Rica), Paris (France), Athens (Greece), and Los Angeles, California (USA) present new videos for the series “The Futures We Want: Voices from …”.
Continue ReadingFuturesTV: Recife
Video on The Futures We Want: Voices from Recife, Brazil
Continue ReadingFuturesTV: Costa Rica
Video on The Futures We Want: Voices fromSan José, Costa Rica
Continue ReadingFutures TV: Greece
Video on The Futures We Want: Voices from Athens, Greece.
Continue ReadingFuturesTV: France
Video on The Futures We Want: Voices from Paris, France
Continue ReadingFuturesTV: Los Angeles
Video on The Futures We Want: Voices from Los Angeles, California
Continue ReadingKin-man Chan: Hong Kong
How can perception of failure shape the outcome of social mobilization? What is the prospect for the Umbrella Movement and democracy in Hong Kong?
Continue ReadingChiara Bottici: Imaginal Politics
How can we explain the paradox of an eclipse of imagination that goes hand in hand with its hypertrophy?
Continue ReadingEli Zaretsky: Political Freud
Why we need to understand the three faces of political Freud to forge a new politics, adequate for the present.
Continue ReadingRaúl Trejo-Delarbre: New Media
The new media have expanded and improved participation in public affairs. … but beside the support for democracy are also several restrictions.
Continue ReadingHsin-Huang Michael Hsiao: Asian Politics
What are the main trends and alternative possibilities of the political systems in Asia today?
Continue ReadingFuturesTV presents
In the summer of 2015, New Yorkers from diverse walks of life were asked the question: What future do you want? This video presents some of their responses.
Continue ReadingAdam Mrozowicki & Justyna Kajta: Labor
The revival of new nationalism in Poland, Hungary and other CEE countries makes it necessary to rethink the political positions and organizational resources of labor movements.
Continue ReadingSimon Critchley: Future Fiction
The philosopher Simon Critchley writes from the future, looking back from his Moscow hotel room on 1 January 2019.
Continue ReadingMarkus S. Schulz: For a Sociology of Possibilities
The globalized planet is marred by unabated injustices, rampant conflicts, and environmental destruction. Yet, hopes for a better world persist. The unprecedented risks and opportunities demand new ways of thinking.
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