Over fifty authors from two dozen countries and from across the full spectrum of sociology tackle the pertinent issues of our time.
Continue ReadingPeter Kivisto: Religious Pluralism
For much of the second half of the twentieth century sociologists were inclined to argue that secularization would result in the steady erosion of religious beliefs and practices …
Continue ReadingWolfgang Knöbl: Convergence
Will there be a convergence between post-colonial thought and main-stream macro-sociology?
Continue ReadingRoberto Cipriani: The Future of Religions
Religions have not disappeared but they tend to grow. What are the data projections for the growth of major religions in the various regions of the world?
Continue ReadingHanno Scholtz: Modernity Proceeding
Instead of seeing the current challenges as signs of an end of modernity, they can be read as signs for a current transition to a second step of modernity.
Continue ReadingCreación de la Sociología Kazaja
Creación de la Sociología Kazaja Creating Kazakhstani Sociology (English/Ingles) | (Español/Spanish) Serik Seidumanov, Zarema Shaukenova, Sergey Konovalov and Aigul Zabirova en nombre del Comité Ejecutivo de la Asociación de Sociología de Kazajstán …
Continue ReadingCreating Kazakhstani Sociology
by Serik Seidumanov, Zarema Shaukenova, Sergey Konovalov and Aigul Zabirova
When and how did sociology in Kazakhstan develop? How does it relate to this Central Asian country’s recent rapid growth, its policies, and future?
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