There is not only one Islam, but many interpretations and practices, … not one gender, but many … and not one sexuality, but many …
Continue ReadingPeter Kivisto: Religious Pluralism
For much of the second half of the twentieth century sociologists were inclined to argue that secularization would result in the steady erosion of religious beliefs and practices …
Continue ReadingMark Juergensmeyer: Global Religion
Religion has always been global, in the sense that religious communities and traditions have always maintained permeable boundaries. …
Continue ReadingRoberto Cipriani: The Future of Religions
Religions have not disappeared but they tend to grow. What are the data projections for the growth of major religions in the various regions of the world?
Continue ReadingAsef Bayat: Neo-Orientalism
Anecdotal stereotyping of ‘other’ peoples and cultures is neither new nor of course limited to the West. But things become more serious when stereotypical imaginations get articulated by systematic, ‘scientific’, and authoritative apparatuses of knowledge production. Orientalism …
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