Over fifty authors from two dozen countries and from across the full spectrum of sociology tackle the pertinent issues of our time.
Continue ReadingGeoffrey Pleyers: Social Movements and Our Common Future
Contrary to economists or marketing specialists, sociologists are particularly uncomfortable when it comes to thinking about the future …
Continue ReadingBreaking News: Vienna
New Record: Over 4,000 Participants Arrive in Vienna for ISA Forum of Sociology
Continue ReadingAbdul Rahman Embong: Sociology South
What is ‘global sociology’? How inclusive is such sociology? What is needed to propel progress?
Continue ReadingJulian Go: Southern Solution
Sociology is provincial. As a disciplinary formation institutionalized in North America and Europe, it is particularistic and parochial while masquerading as universal.
Continue ReadingMark Juergensmeyer: Global Religion
Religion has always been global, in the sense that religious communities and traditions have always maintained permeable boundaries. …
Continue ReadingSari Hanafi: Postcolonial Global Sociology
The post-colonial attempts to reify cultural difference and to generate cultural compassion failed to resolve specific historical contradictions in the ongoing crisis of late, transnational capitalism and repressive regimes in many Southern countries.
Continue ReadingWilliam I. Robinson: Savage Inequalities
Sociologists would do well to take a critical approach to the hype around Piketty and the mainstream discourse on social inequalities that it reflects.
Continue ReadingJaime Ríos Burga: Sociología trans-cultural
La sociología en el Perú como ciencia y profesión entra en una etapa de desarrollo y consolidación en un marco de …
Continue ReadingSalas-Porras & Murray: Think-Tanks
How do think-tanks operate? How do they exert power? How are they funded?
Continue ReadingAdriana García Andrade: Epistemology
Do we have a global epistemology or epistemologies in dialogue? Are there global methodological tendencies?
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