Over fifty authors from two dozen countries and from across the full spectrum of sociology tackle the pertinent issues of our time.
Continue ReadingGeoffrey Pleyers: Social Movements and Our Common Future
Contrary to economists or marketing specialists, sociologists are particularly uncomfortable when it comes to thinking about the future …
Continue ReadingAdloff, Costa, Kerner, Vetter: Conviviality
Conviviality sets a concrete utopia against dystopia—an awareness of the possibility of cooperation.
Continue ReadingTodd Gitlin: Convulsive Climate Change
How shall sociology contend with collective uncertainty and the radical change in the human time horizon? – Some philosophical and sociological challenges
Continue ReadingJohn Foran: Climate Justice
With climate change, we are facing a perfect storm of suffering, a crisis of humanity. What is to be done to achieve radical social change?
Continue ReadingUlrich Brand: Green Economy
What are the structural limits to a Green Economy? What is needed to overcome them?
Continue ReadingALAS: Declaration
Final Declaration of the XXX Congress of the Latin American Association of Sociology, San José, Costa Rica, December 2015.
Continue ReadingALAS: Declaración
Declaración Final del XXX Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología, Ciudad de San José, Costa Rica, Diciembre de 2015.
Continue ReadingMcKenzie Wark: Anthropocene
So what becomes of social theory in the Anthropocene?
Continue ReadingWilliam K. Carroll: Climate Change Blues
WebForumMusic presents a blues song about global warming and climate crisis, carboniferous capitalism, and possibilities for an alternative future. – Play audio, read more …
Continue ReadingDebra Davidson & Magnus Bostrum: Environment
What are the most critical environmental issues facing society today? The Research Committee on Environment and Society (RC24) reports on its agenda …
Continue ReadingEsteban Castro: Socio-Ecological Futures
Socio-ecological inequality and injustice are among the key obstacles facing the process of substantive, material, not merely rhetorical democratization.
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