Over fifty authors from two dozen countries and from across the full spectrum of sociology tackle the pertinent issues of our time.
Continue ReadingAbdul Rahman Embong: Sociology South
What is ‘global sociology’? How inclusive is such sociology? What is needed to propel progress?
Continue ReadingAkosua Adomako Ampofo: African Future
What does it mean “returning to an African Future”?
Continue ReadingNitsan Chorev: Foreign Aid
What can drug donations reveal about the unintended consequences of international support? What lessons can be learned for the futures of foreign aid?
Continue ReadingCreación de la Sociología Kazaja
Creación de la Sociología Kazaja Creating Kazakhstani Sociology (English/Ingles) | (Español/Spanish) Serik Seidumanov, Zarema Shaukenova, Sergey Konovalov and Aigul Zabirova en nombre del Comité Ejecutivo de la Asociación de Sociología de Kazajstán …
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by Serik Seidumanov, Zarema Shaukenova, Sergey Konovalov and Aigul Zabirova
When and how did sociology in Kazakhstan develop? How does it relate to this Central Asian country’s recent rapid growth, its policies, and future?
Continue ReadingNicolás Lynch: Latin America
The future of the region depends on the achievement of (…) social democracy and the Patria Grande.
Continue ReadingAlice Abreu: Women for Science
Gender Equality in Science and Technology: Why Is It Important for the Future We Want?
Continue ReadingHabibul Khondker: Transformation – Which Way?
Discussions of social transformation and development are fraught due to the complexities of the “really existing” world situation that are overlaid by conceptual difficulties, unavoidable ambiguities and the obduracy of continued …
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