Over fifty authors from two dozen countries and from across the full spectrum of sociology tackle the pertinent issues of our time.
Continue ReadingGeoffrey Pleyers: Social Movements and Our Common Future
Contrary to economists or marketing specialists, sociologists are particularly uncomfortable when it comes to thinking about the future …
Continue ReadingKin-man Chan: Hong Kong
How can perception of failure shape the outcome of social mobilization? What is the prospect for the Umbrella Movement and democracy in Hong Kong?
Continue ReadingRaúl Trejo-Delarbre: New Media
The new media have expanded and improved participation in public affairs. … but beside the support for democracy are also several restrictions.
Continue ReadingAkosua Adomako Ampofo: African Future
What does it mean “returning to an African Future”?
Continue ReadingHsin-Huang Michael Hsiao: Asian Politics
What are the main trends and alternative possibilities of the political systems in Asia today?
Continue ReadingMichael Brie: Twofold Transformation
The ambivalent nature of capitalism poses the task of a twofold transformation. Five possible scenarios are emerging …
Continue ReadingGuobin Yang: Internet in China
How is the Chinese Internet developing? What strategies and tools do government, corporations, and citizens use to shape its future?
Continue ReadingCreación de la Sociología Kazaja
Creación de la Sociología Kazaja Creating Kazakhstani Sociology (English/Ingles) | (Español/Spanish) Serik Seidumanov, Zarema Shaukenova, Sergey Konovalov and Aigul Zabirova en nombre del Comité Ejecutivo de la Asociación de Sociología de Kazajstán …
Continue ReadingCreating Kazakhstani Sociology
by Serik Seidumanov, Zarema Shaukenova, Sergey Konovalov and Aigul Zabirova
When and how did sociology in Kazakhstan develop? How does it relate to this Central Asian country’s recent rapid growth, its policies, and future?
Continue ReadingALAS: Declaration
Final Declaration of the XXX Congress of the Latin American Association of Sociology, San José, Costa Rica, December 2015.
Continue ReadingALAS: Declaración
Declaración Final del XXX Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología, Ciudad de San José, Costa Rica, Diciembre de 2015.
Continue ReadingNicolás Lynch: Latin America
The future of the region depends on the achievement of (…) social democracy and the Patria Grande.
Continue ReadingAngela Randolpho Paiva: Civic Learning
June 2013 has been included in the Brazilian calendar of mass mobilizations as a turning point. Ever since then, this date has been reference for new forms of mobilization due to the cycle of protests that took place at that moment.
Continue ReadingMarkus S. Schulz: For a Sociology of Possibilities
The globalized planet is marred by unabated injustices, rampant conflicts, and environmental destruction. Yet, hopes for a better world persist. The unprecedented risks and opportunities demand new ways of thinking.
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